
By Lizimagiz

Another Dawn, Another Day…

This morning I walked alone. Maisie was in the hospital at Vet Marlborough. Luckily I met up with dog-walking friends, Alan, Carolyn and May. (This photo shows Alan and dog Bronson and Carolyn with her dog, Jimmy walking into the sun after meeting with me.) . We had chatted at the same time, same spot yesterday when Maisie was exploring flaxes and shrubs beside the river at the Beaver Road Footbridge and small car park. Unbeknown to all of us she found treasure in the form of a vomitted curry meal. She must have scoffed it. Later in the day, at home, she vomitted violently on the carpet. She became very ill. So it was off to the Vet. A very sick, spaced out dog. It seems the vomitted meal may have contained Methamphetamine. All signs indicate that may have been the case. Maisie has had a lucky escape. I have learned from the experience. And I will be keeping Maisie on her lead when we pass that area of the river with its car park and undergrowth. I picked her up from Vet Marlborough at lunchtime today. She is subdued but is recovering nicely . Today’s Gratitude: My learnings about dogs and drugs.

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