Pictorial blethers

By blethers

All too soon ...

We're home again. When we walked in about 4pm today, it felt as if we'd been through the Wardrobe into Narnia or somesuch time-bending device, so that it was as if we'd just popped out for a walk - except that we'd crammed in so much! And there was that rather desolate feeling of lives going on without us, and missing out somehow ...

We started the day slowly. Neil was out heaven knows when, walking Po and then going for what looked to be a considerable shop before any of us emerged from bed. I was content to sit in bed drinking tea and doing Italian just as I do at home, so that by the time I was downstairs he had breakfast on the go. I had the rare treat of a roll with Lorne sausage and a fried egg on top - as hoped, it kept me going all the way to dinnertime with only a small biscuit and some tea in between.

He and Alan went off for Alan's first match of the season; we packed up to leave and found James (#2 grandson) and Po (the dog) and left them in charge of each other. Then we headed down to Newhaven for coffee with Ewan and Anna, managing to catch the birthday girl off to do some shopping with her mum and apparently succeeding in finding what she didn't have time to try yesterday (she sent me a photo). I enjoyed a long talk with Anna, who runs the most incredible little business in crocheted goods, having taught herself via YouTube. Her creations form the majority of items in the collage; the amazingly intricate construction used a kit and a great deal of very neat-fingered manipulation and is a small wonder on top of her chest of drawers. 

The drive home was surprisingly speedy, with no rain and no dirt on the windscreen - though Himself needed a bucket and water after the Murrayfield birds had finished with the car overnight. (We must get that washer fixed ...). We had time for a quick walk round the bay to unstiffen  our backs before dinner (predictive text didn't like that - wanted to say "Unstuffed"!). The brief remainder of the evening was given over to the usual comatose state.

Joyous news, meanwhile, from Neil and James: Spartans beat Ross County today, 1-0. They were there, cheering on their side. And it made first item in the BBC News sports roundup ...

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