
By Missycat

It's a very special Thursday!

This post is extra late because I had to wait for the bride and groom to make the announcement and put up their pics first!
Today was the first of the two ceremonies for daughter #2 and her now husband - the legal bit.  The very lovely but not legal in this country ceremony will be in Italy in October.  Last night our daughter and the two Flower Fairies stayed with us  and we were in bed by 9.30pm as this morning was a very early start indeed.  Daughter #2 is so lucky that her friends can do things and her dear friend H arrived at our house  (having returned from holiday late last night on a delayed flight) at 7am. Lots of bridal preparation then followed before we were whisked away in taxis at 10.30am.  The ceremony and after party were lovely: we met new family and friends and generally had a a very good time indeed.  The bride and groom departed at 5.30pm and we left soon after, ready for yet another early night!
Pictured are the newly married couple being strewn with confetti (rose petals only)as they leave the registry office.
I have managed to give a nod to Abstract Thursday by editing one of my pics of some of the beautiful bouquets,

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