
By Charlie17


Despite Dylan's best efforts, some of our cauliflowers have kept growing.
The trouble of course, is that they all tend to be ready to eat at the same time.
Cauliflower cheese
Cauliflower soup
Cauliflower curry
Cauliflower fritters
Cauliflower ice-cream
Cauliflower purée
Cauliflower wine
Cauliflower notice board
Cauliflower exercise ball

I am so fed up of typing cauliflower!!
Last night I was watering the garden.
Our neighbour kindly gave us one of these things you put on the end of a hose to sprinkle the water about.
I find it quite hypnotic watching the little device spraying the water to the left and right.
The problem is that when I try to move it, I always get soaked!

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