Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Blackberry Way!

The title of one of my early singles purchases by The Move in 1972. Interesting lyrics as I remember.
These brambles were at the entrance to Tesco in Corstorphine. I was rather horrified to realise that we are almost at mists of mellow fruitfulness time and rapidly leaving summer behind.
My back had improved yesterday, but was sore when I woke up this morning - at least I slept though! I think perhaps staying more or less immobile for an extended time was not good for it. I took the painkillers though and headed out for lunch with some colleagues and our former boss who was visiting from Australia. (Saw C & P Ann). I was early so went into the Tibetan Cafe in South Clerk St for a delicious chai. I tried to go there a few months ago so was glad to see it open and intend to go back soon to eat.
Lunch was a time of catching up and comparing grandchildren! We both only had 1 when she left the UK.
I got the bus both ways as I had plenty of time, I needed the time, coming home it was an hour and 20 minutes after I arrived at the bus stop that I finally arrived home. The bus was 30 minutes late and takes such a roundabout route to travel the 3.5 miles. Which is why I end up resorting to the car when I am on a tight schedule as I was today. I got home after 4pm and had to be at Ali's for 5 to babysit for the girls, fortunately the traffic was ok and I got there in plenty of time.
The little girls both behaved very well and were in bed by 7.15, I rather wish I could have joined them.

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