
By Chrelizg21

On the Boardwalk

We stopped off at Fairhaven Gardens on the way home today. It seemed a good place for a shady walk in the woods above South Walsham Broad, but I normally think of it as primarily a place to visit in Spring. It's obviously a good place for insects in summer - there's masses of hemp agrimony and mint along the water-filled ditches and the area was teeming with various dragonflies and damselflies, madly dashing around or briefly resting on the vegetation. I was torn between the juvenile moorhens and the common darter for my Blip; as insects feature so much in my journal I thought the birds ought to have pride of place, with the darter as an extra, but it could be the other way around!

PS - I've not been keeping up with comments or with reading other people's journals - I'll try to catch up soon!!

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