good morning canary

By sk

D.A.D. not what i was planning on posting

but this evening the BBC announced that the wreck of HMS Hawke has been found.  

my great uncle David Angus Dickson died when the ship was torpedoed - not immediately - he and many others got into 4 life rafts - a survivor told my great grandmother Emily's god daughter that David had tried to rally everyone, but the cold did for him. he was 17.
there were only 70 survivors. over 500 lost their lives.

closure of sorts.

Emily's dressing table is the one i still sit at.

if you are interested in reading more about this 

the things i love about him are that
1) he was so concerned that Timberlake should be paid.
2) his portrait fell off the wall in anger when my first husband was being a rotter!
3) my dad was named after him, and cousins too.

17/8/2024  the Leader of the team that found the Hawke has just emailed me and will be updating their website as soon as he can.
i will keep you posted.

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