Trampers Tales

By Tramper


Had the idea of going to El Chorro and Ardales today , but our friend Christine just wants to shop. So it was with a heavy heart that we went into Alhaurin and then to Miramar at Fuengirola; at least it meant that I could get a roll of film that I ran through my old Minolta in to get developed and then have a general browse in the camera shop. I managed to buy some smart new white trainers in a sale for 14 .50 Euros so was quite pleased with myself considering I wasn't keen on shopping.
With a slight diversion on the way home we went for a stroll along the beach at La Cala a place my wife loves. Amongst the burnt and bronzed chaos along the beach I came across this kind of tranquil scene, a perfect blip with a risqué title.
I have to wait a week to pick up the results of my Minolta photography, so I'm looking forward to next Monday, just like the old days prior to digital.

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