Adam's Images

By ajt

Reddish rose

Another rose from my mother-in-law's garden. This one is mostly but not entirely red.

This month the next phase of my development went live, it was a bit of an anti-climax. The updated code and configuration went in without issue, and the existing business transitioned from the original codebase to the updated version without issue. The new code has extra features, but has also been cleaned up and simplified, so on balance there is less of it now - which is good I think.

The main surprise is that the new business, which was the reason we did all the work hasn't started to use it yet, so while we know the updated code works fine for the original business, we don't know what problems the new business will encounter yet...

Back blip.

As I post this we are now half way through August. The new business have effectively been testing in production and have raised a number of issues, none of which are defects, but that the solution isn't doing what they wanted - though they never actually told us what that was... I don't mind doing the work, but it's a change request not a defect repair...

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