
By intothehills

Coaching percentages

With health issues, mojo problems and life I've slowly stopped climbing, it's been years now.
This year's health scare prompted me to really make an effort to get back to being as fit as I could. I've dropped 26lbs, taken inches off my waist and seriously improved my diet. I've come to really love my time in the gym.
Slowly there's been a building yearning. The gym has autobelays so you can climb solo, find out if you can... Then a couple of weeks ago a chance conversation with a lovely young chap who's working on his coaching badges, me from two decades ago except armed with tech and lots of recent science.
So today I had a session with him. Much I knew, but wasn't putting in to practice (it's harder than you think to see yourself climbing) but I also learnt some new principles too. Over the course of 90 minutes I made some noticeable improvements, result.

And yes, it was stupendously hot in the climbing wall and they wouldn't let us open the doors to outside :-(

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