
By biddy

7.20 a.m. Wednesday. August 15th.

I was up early once again this morning, and wandered out up the garden.
There is definitely an autumnal air about now,
You can sense it.
Some friends arrived to see us from Cornwall around 10.30am. They had been up here for a few days, and go back tomorrow morning,
Lovely to spend some time together.
This afternoon I saw the chiropractor and she now has the X-rays, or imaging that I had taken at the clinic in Solihull recently.
No good beating about the bush about the results.
I am going to need surgery in the foreseeable future on both hips.
I am not really surprised.
We are looking at the possible way forward now.
The weather deteriorated after lunchtime and it was raining heavily when I drove to my appointment.
It is supposed to clear up and be better over the coming weekend.
Time for tea, so I’ll stop here.

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