Grumpy Old Man

By Maurice1948

Ticket to ride

We went down town this morning to get a few things we needed before going to Mull for the weekend. We're off to stay with Daughter One and catching the afternoon ferry tomorrow.  While down in the town I went to the ferry terminal to buy tickets, and while I was there I took this picture of the Clansman, ready to disgorge her passengers. It was only after coming home that I realised that I'd booked the wrong ferry for coming home on Sunday. 

So after lunch it was back down to have the tickets changed, then a meeting at the Corran Halls with the representative of Live Argyll, who run the Corran Halls and manage the immediate surroundings. We had a chat about the bed that I'd suggested planting and he seemed happy with it all. He was fine to go along with the shrubs and flowers that I suggested. We'll see!

Quote of the Day: “Flowers are restful to look at. They have neither emotions nor conflicts.” —Sigmund Freud.

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