
By schorschi

The morning after

8:00 am , empty bottles, glasses, cups, cold BBQ, slightly damp towels, sun umbrella and all the chair lounger cushions still in place. Seemed very empty without yesterdays visitors. Luna went on the search for them & cats Sissy & Jerry came to find out who had been there - they both need 24 hours before appearing when strangers come. Cindy had made a short visit but Luis came to get his strokes from Oliver. Followed the 10 hour journey to Croatia on Glympse & WhatsApp during the day & they arrived safely despite Oliver only having 7 hours sleep in 3 nights.

Went for a walk with the dogs, did the minimum with the horses and then nursing service came shortly after midday to discover several of the new suturesf rom last Monday night had torn. Instructed to go to GP who luckily agreed to hope the few good sutures & the small part that has healed will be sufficient. Alternative is to open it all up again, cut away to fresh skin & try all over again. Somewhat depressed, returned home & collapsed on the sofa. Didn't even hear Angie get home at 7:00pm and do all the horse/dog/chicken duties I hadn't managed. Just what she needs and I feel very guilty about the additional workload she has. However I have to try and reduce movement so will be careful tomorrow.

Forgot to thank MrB for delivering the drone combs yesterday evening after I had forgotten to take them with me and then forgot the text message from MrsB reminding me. Thanks & sorry & greetings from Alzheimer.

Must try & get to sleep now as this week is set to be a corker and I don't want to be sleeping on the sofa inside all day.

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