
By Cully


I do hope you read the title in a Keith lemon-esque manner!

Dug up my first crop of taters today and not one scab! Lets hope the next eight lots turn out just as well. Claire, I will invite you round to sample when you return back from Ireland.

The neighbours daughters are back from Uni now and the one decided to have a party on a Monday night! We were trying to act cool and pretend the appalling music and the rowdiness wasn't bothering us one bit, but there was a sigh of relief when her mum came back and shipped them all off to the pub! Phew, calm has been restored.

No doubt we will hear them traipse in at 3 in the morning but then where do you go on a Monday now ladies drink free at the Waterfront is no more?

A mystery box of sample sized sachets of salad cream have appeared in the work kitchen today. The resident ghost must like his condiments in small doses!

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