Jillian's Journal

By Daring2Go

Brow Peak …..

….. ….. ….. brooding over some villas.
This is the only photo I’ve taken today so this is it!

I visited my Physio this afternoon and I’m very happy to say that it may be the second to last visit. Fitting in a visit next week won’t work so it’ll have to wait until after a trip down to Preservation Inlet in Fiordland, in a week’s time. More on that later next week! But Jodi the amazing Physio has worked a miracle and needless to say I’m delighted! The wrist & thumb are much improved.

I had a cuppa afterwards with the friend I’ve done lots of walks with in the past. She’s had an awful bout of flu; bedridden for four days. There’s a lot of it going around.

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