
By Wildwood

Man UNmade

Pedro, our gardener called last night, said he was driving by our house and noticed the agave spike. John had told him that we were waiting to see what would happen to it. It put up a huge spike, began to grow 'branches' which eventually bloomed and now they were beginning to turn brown. Pedro thought it was time to take it out. We agreed and Gustavo showed up this morning to take it down. 

I had to leave before he actually cut it but before I left I watched him throw a rope over one of the lowest branches, walk around and around the plant until the rope was secure and then stretched the rope across the lawn and secured it. I assume this was all to control the direction of the fall but I missed the action. By the time I got home he was loading the last of the branches into a wheelbarrow (extra)t o be taken to his truck and hauled away. 

The birds will miss it but I don't think I will. It has provided a lot of entertainment, albeit of the rather slow motion variety. But that's life in the country....we seem to have adapted pretty well.

The new sewing machine is almost the same as the old one except that it has some needle threading feature which is incomprehensible to me. However, after struggling to decipher the directions and the drawing, I just threaded it the conventional way and it works just fine. Most of the moving parts are interchangeable so I now have a double set of accessories.

Wonders never cease. My fabric order finally arrived. I love the colors (second extra) but fear that I didn't order enough. I'll have to either find another place closer or order more right now since it probably won't be any faster. When I tried to find out why it was taking so long all I got was that it is a universal problem with all shippers right now, although no explanation of why that might be.

The challenge for Wide Wednesday is 'man made' but I'm tagging it anyway as it was 'unmade' singlehandedly by Gustavo. Quite impressive.

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