
By davidc

W-I-D-E on Wednesday: "Man Made"

It's been a really lovely day - sunshine all the time, a light breeze and a temperature of about 18-20C: perfect for working in the garden, tackling some of the weeds (probably only about 1% of them, but one has to start somewhere...maybe I should call today Weednesday, Lol!)  I've only been out to get the morning paper so today's blip had to be taken in the garden. Bobsblips would like something wide and man made, so here's the patio area at the end of the lawn, nestled in some of nature's handiwork, with the mottled sunshine showing through towards the end of the afternoon.

The old wheelbarrow is, of course, also man made but the flowers we grew in it this year have just about died off now.

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