
By mambo

Silly Me

Rebecca is without a car at the moment , so as we had arranged to go to the retail outlet at York today l drove over to Skipton to collect her this morning.
Heard how the girls were doing at the NYB residential and other news then we set off for York.
Rebecca drove and l was able to take a photograph as we passed Chelker reservoir ( hope it meets the widwed challenge).
I’m not a fan of shopping malls but this one is the best l know. I bought two presents for the that celebration the happens in December and two new tops for ballet. Then l bought some sort of serum for my nails which split and peel easily.
Not really keen on the food outlets there but Pizza Express is reliable so the choice was easy.
We ordered our meals and as l was having the spinach and ricotta cannelloni l had a small glass of red wine because Rebecca was driving. Very enjoyable.
Then after a bit of consideration l went back to a shop l had looked at earlier and bought a hand steamer. I hardly ever iron, except linen so think a steamer will be more efficient. Time will tell.

Then as we walked back to the car l realised that even though Rebecca was driving l would have to drive back home from her house. I have a strict rule to never drive if l have had alcohol, even though today l was well under the limit, silly me. So Rebecca drove me home and has taken my car home with her to Skipton.

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