Just the Withers......

By JaneW

A series titled …..

Bad album covers for the bewildered….
One last series of photos before we all parted company .
I said ‘let’s do a random photo instead of just the four of us smiling in a clumpy group ‘
Well ….. David literally RUSHED to get the cast iron poker and Jim grabbed a glass picture frame and it appeared they both had the same idea of looking to attack us !!! I may have to rethink my ideas in the future.
Don’t bother asking why I handed Di a jug and grabbed one myself .. I just don’t know … mind you I do know I wasn’t going to mash David or Jim in the face with it … they look sinister as opposed to Di and I looking fairly simple …..
What a lovely time we had crashing the end of their holiday, I expect Di was bored of David anyway so I’ve done her a favour sending Jim to play golf ;-))

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