Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Only photo I took today, on my way to the health clinic.
At the bus stop, I saw two sparrows clearly not feeling well. I think they’d flewn straight into the bus stop glass walls. One of them only needed a minute to get better, but the other one was in worse shape. It tried to fly off several times, but it flew in the wrong direction and never got off the ground. When it stopped for a rest I scooped it up in my hands and held it carefully, walking it to a bush. It lay quietly in my hands and when I places it on a branch, it didn’t want to let go of my finger. It finally did and I stayed to steady it until it could sit on its own. I wanted to stay with it, but the bus came and I needed to get to my appointment. I tried to convince myself that sparrows are tough little birds, so hopefully it’ll be ok.
I do travel to work from that bus stop tomorrow, so I’ll check to see if I see it.

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