Everyday Life

By Julez


I had the appointment for my "lifestyle advice" today - basically she gave me a leaflet and told me to keep on being active, eat less processed food and that going Vegan was "Not a bad idea".  I will bear that in mind. I'm not throwing out the food I have already bought, so I will make some changes next time I go shopping.

After the appointment I had a walk around town and took some shots. This shows the Cathedral of course, and the black spiky structure is part of the pedestrian bridge over the railway tracks near the University. The grey looking building to the left is the pub/restaurant we ate in on my birthday last month - The Royal William IV.

I've added an extra. All 7 of yesterday's cygnets are there, on the ramp along with one of their parents. The other is nearby in the water.

Tomorrow I need to start getting organised for Magic Weekend. We are only away one night this time though so won't need so much stuff. We are staying with Grace rather than in a hotel too.

Another thing today, I gave Minstrel a good grooming as he keeps puking up hairball. One day last week he vomited in both Brian's work shoes! His fur feels softer now and hopefully I have removed most of the loose stuff. Because it has been hot he has been finding cooler places to lie down around the house rather than sitting with us so I have had less chance to groom him.

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