Bunnies at the park

It was a very welcome surprise when today's meeting ended early and I didn't have to spend the afternoon stuck there as well as the morning. It also meant that I would be able to go to the sanctuary and walk one of their dogs after I'd gone home to change and drop off my files.

I still ate my sandwiches at the park as usual though before catching the tram. I'd managed to fit another camera than the compact into my bag and hoped to be able to take a few shots of the Heron or the Little Grebe that I'd seen there before but I didn't see either of them this time. I did spot this Speckled Wood butterfly and after my walk with Pacha this afternoon I also managed to take some shots of the Heron who was visiting the small pond again. With my soft spot for bunnies though my blip had to be this photo of a pair of wild rabbits that I surprised on my way out of the park after photographing the butterfly.

It was another very sunny and much too warm day for me. The high temperatures we're having don't seem to bother anyone else but they really feel too hot for me are making me feel very uncomfortable. Unfortunately I can only hope that they will soon drop to a more bearable level for me.

Thank you so much for the kind comments and stars on my tiny moth blip from yesterday.

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