
By BethAndCo

Eva came home from Aunty Liza's and Lorna's

I could hardly contain my excitement when I woke at 8.30 am this morning and text my sister to arrange fetching Eva....... Got no reply.
I waited about 45 minutes and decided to ring, I actually woke Liza up and Eva was still asleep lol. I thought, well in that case we may aswell arrange going to fetch Mike and Lisa's car from Malvern from the day before. Not before Mike had fetched us both Maccy D's brekkie :-)

I face timed Liza while Mike was gone as Eva had woken up by then (she'd actually woken around 9.30 and this was about 11 am) and although she was all smiles for me on the screen, she was rubbing her eyes again and looked so tired, so I suggested Liza put her back down for another sleep. She went spark out, and was still fast asleep when Mike and I arrived for her at 1 pm!! She'd gone to bed at 9 pm the night before, talk about loves her sleep!

When she saw my face looking over her in her travel cot, she had a bit of a blank expression at me, but turned and saw Liza and was all smiles again, I thought hmmph charming! (Not really, I was just so happy that she'd been totally fine and happy where she was). She did give me a massive love when I picked her up and I squeezed her as tightly as I could, it felt out of this world to have my baby girl back in my arms.

Liza told us all about her stay and said again how she was such a happy baby and that she'd loved having her. My sister really did make it so much easier for me to leave Eva there, bless her.

Today's pic is actually a pic Liza text to me yesterday, yes, of Eva asleep lol.

The rest of the day was mainly spent with Eva and cooking Sunday dinner (even though it was yet again another boiling hot day, I wasn't half sweltering in that kitchen). My dad did pop round for an hour in the afternoon hoping to see Eva, but yes, she was asleep having a nap so he missed her, but we still had a good chin wag in the garden.

One very happy Mommy xxx

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