Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

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As they say in the Vatican when the pope dies. This chair contains mostly cats and discarded clothes, or else nothing apart from the crooked cushion. 

I was staring at it after an intense afternoon sleep, speculating on the difference between light and heat. Too hot again today and too little enlightenment. Which, Interestingly, is the name of the novel I have nearly finished reading. It’s a curious little book, and difficult to put down for long. A little bit Charles Dickens, a little bit Thomas Hardy, and a little bit Wilkie Collins, but modern, set in the period between 1997 and the present. Recommended. 

The Dizzle and I installed a cat proof iron gate at the bottom of the garden today. Hard Labour. Banging metal rods into parched earth.. TSM had the idea of soaking the soil with a hose to soften our path, which helped a lot. More work still to be done on the fencing. Then hopefully Henry and the two older cats will have safe grounds to live in.

My muscles ache tonight, particularly hands and arms. This chair in which I sit will soon be vacant as I will take myself off to bed.

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