
By tondrijfhamer

Our home

Didn't do much today.
Wel all slept long and had a late breakfast around 11:00 am.

In the afternoon we went to a huge Lidl supermarket located at 17km.
After a home made dinner I went with Bas and Daan to the local waterfall.
That turned out to be a bit of a challenge because it involved a bit of climbing when the path ended. That in combination made it a quite an event. Great to do it together with my boys.
We even had a close encounter with a big dark female roe deer.
We made it to the waterfall and when the descend started it was getting dark very fast, creating a moody bit scary atmosphere.

All and all we had a lot of fun.

On today's photo is our holiday home. It's huge.
Only the ground floor is occupied by locals. The rest is ours.

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