Snapshot family world

By Lightchaser12

Living In his own world

Volunteering from 8u30 AM till 5 Pm in the palliative daycare facility in Bruges. We had around 6 visitors and did quite some activities. First i did walk with 1 of our visitors. Afterwards giving footbath and massage. Before noon i took my guitar and performed some french and english songs from The 60 "s. Ofcourse also lots of talk , listening, another walk in the afternoon so time flew away. While the visitors were brought home we did some smmall dishes, cloth wash ...Afterwards i went home, took my camera and went on a bike trip through and around Bruges. I had take away coffee from a waffle stall on the market square patiently observing and waiting for a pic.Last but not least i ordred a small packet of french fries and did consume it outside. 

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