
By middleman


I managed to swap a shift and extend my time off work for one more day, putting off the inevitable obviously but...

So, into town mid-morning for breakfast at Dishoom. That's quite some place they've got there - high on vibes and the food is great. My Indian omelette had quite a kick to it, a couple of glasses of the house chai accompanied it perfectly.

No Fringe shows again today, but we took in a couple of excellent exhibitions at the Scottish National Galleries. First up was Before And After Coal at The Portrait Gallery, all quite poignant 40 years on from the 1984-1985 miner's strike. And, as a real contrast,  An Irish Impressionist: Lavery On Location at the Royal Scottish Academy which was very impressive and certainly covered a lot of ground.

Home for the evening, early(ish) night beckons, work in the morning and all that.


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