
By Kipsie

Births, deaths, marriages, anniversaries & .... tenancy changeover's in CK. 

Mum & Dad were tenants at The Anchor Inn for 30 years. It then changed hands 12 times until a fire in 2015. The result of which meant the remains had to be razed to the ground because the cob walls had become unsafe. And that is how it remains today. Very sad indeed. All this detail is in the back of Mum's address book along with the DOB's of the pub regulars & villagers. Also tucked in is a piece of paper with Grandma's handwrittten list of birthdays, plus a newspaper cutting of an article about Mum, & Fred Cox winning scholarships to South Devon Technical College. Mum to study Commerce, Fred studying Engineering.

I lifted the onions and set them out to dry in the sun, turned the ground, staked the brassicas, picked peas, spinach, & a bunch of fresh mint. Walked up to town for the paper, met Stuart on the way back down Clifford Street, gave him a feed of peas for him & his wife, then back to base. Down to CK, another 3miles each way now as the road through the village is closed for gas mains work. Could be until beginning of September, hopefully not, there again knowing how it goes these days might be longer. Absolute chaos for bus users, some buses not picking up passengers anywhere in the village, other buses dropping passengers on teh side of a very busy junction. An accident waiting to happen, Oh, and a complete lack of road signage informing drivers the road is closed. As I say. Chaos!

I walked Indie, picking up paper sweet wrappers as I saw them. The day can't come too soon when they are biodegradable. Walking across the heath, I noticed something blue on the ground .. Someone had obviously "been taken short" & grabbed a wad of paper hand towels, leaving the unused to blow around in the wind. I picked them all up, scattered for quite a distance I might add & wedged them under a pile of birch parings.
 Mum & I pruned the shrubs over hanging the front garden wall in readiness for Bruce to paint on Thursday weather permitting. Had a lovely chat with Jago & Lesley, 2 of Mum's neighbours in the cul-de-sac that she rarely sees these days as she does'nt venture out into the front garden on her own.
Back in Chudleigh, a quick lunch then I blitzed the back garden. Wild strawberries had run riot in between the brick paviors and through the border. Pruned the ornamental willow & escallonia. A race against time as the drizzle became heavier. Job done!

Went to the library to print off the posters for the plant sale.

Eve arrived at home with 3 broom stick notice boards & a mallet for me to use.

Thanks to MaryElizaR for hosting

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