The Pensioner

By Pensioner

I love your friends

They’re all so arty, oh yeah. A first visit to the Edinburgh Futures Institute. What a great thing to have; we didn’t really have time to explore it all but I imagine there are rooms full of mad professors working on ray guns and doing experiments with telepathy. We were there as it’s the home of the book festival and one of this year’s “strands” (yes, that’s the thing) is Hogg’s Confessions of a Justified Sinner. It being two hundred years since its publication, y’see.
Anyway we now have an app with augmented reality for future use featuring key scenes from the buik, but this event was the launch and an excuse for thems in the know to hob-nob. Angus Robertson belched some introductory words, Jenny Niven gave a talk about what the book meant to her whilst name-checking everyone in the room except for ourselves, (an outrage!) and Louise Welsh gave a speech which was close to sleep-inducing.
And then we spilled out for a bit of drama around the hastily constructed tennis court (a key moment in the book). We may have a futures institute but the past may just be our biggest selling point. 

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