
By NinjaShoe

You can count on me

Went to The Heights end of year production called "Bye Bye BBC" by the soon-to-be-leaving Year 6's.

It was marvellous - the children had all done funny "sketches" which they had written, rehearsed and acted themselves. We had it all ghosts, ghouls, x-factor judging, dancing, singing... including the classic stuff..."man went into the Dr's and said he felt like a pair of curtains, Dr said, "pull yourself together" gags, and even stop animation!

I took some lovely photos which I would have liked to have shared but I had to sign something that said I would not put them on the internet :-(

So I'm afraid you've got the dog instead.

The children looked as if they were having a great time (probably as they all completely took ownership of the material) so there were no forgotten lines or awkward self concious children, just great big smiles.

What got me though was the very end, as a year group, they all sang that Bruno Mars song and I defy anyone to watch their child, arm round his best friend, singing and swaying to the music - knowing they are growing up and moving on - not to have a tear in their eye and a lump in their throat....

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