
By Groggster

Saying It With Flowers

Today we headed back to the charming little village of Trottiscliffe for a lunchtime pint at The George Inn. It was a glorious summer's day and it was just lovely to sit in an outside booth in its voluminous garden in such wonderfully peaceful surroundings with a cool pint.
After finishing our drinks we decided on a short perambulation around the village and to attempt to get our shots for the day. I hadn't realised until a couple of days ago that I had an upcoming blipversary so for the actual occasion I just thought I'd say it with flowers! This gorgeous display of blooms was right next to the road that climbs its way through the village and was set off rather perfectly by an accompanying oast house - which you can see in my extra.
Before we left our micro trip was completed with a great chat with a local (who'd seen us stopping to take our shots) about, of all things, a leaking manhole cover that was sending gallons of water each day streaming down the main road through the village and how his water company had failed to come out to fix it despite all that water just draining away. I do find I've started having many more random conversations with people I don't know since I've started blip! :-)
I can't really believe that I've managed to get to 4 year's worth of blips - it seems like only yesterday I started and a long time ago too (if that makes any sense!) - and I feel I've only really got this far due to the encouragement, lovely words, stars and hearts from my fellow blippers. Thank you so much! 

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