
By Ridgeback13


Dropped my ipad off at the menders (fingers crossed) then down to town to meet DH for his annual review. Luckily I didn't need to set off til after the thunderstorm ended, and it was still quite warm despite the cloud. We chatted quite a long time, then I called A who was shopping with N and we met for lunch at Victor Hugo's.
After lunch the sun had come out and it was pretty hot as I came home. Ad and L were  moving into their new flat today and I'd offered to help them collect their things from the various stores and flats that they'd been in over the summer, so we packed the car with the things from here then drove around delivering and collecting stuff (and up and down too many stairs!) until it was all safely stashed into the funny little place they've got. Can't say it would be my choice but they're excited to have their own space I'm sure! 
I left them to start the long job of unpacking and came home to do another pile of laundry, then after supper I went to see a live recording of Sara Pascoe and Cariad Lloyd's 'Weirdo's Book Club' podcast. They had Jessie Cave as a guest and after they'd talked to her about her book 'Sunset' they all discussed 'Modern Times', a book of short stories by Cathy Sweeney. It sounded surreal and very strange, but they all loved it and their conversation (once they'd stopped self indulgently chatting about how hard it is to do a Fringe show) was really interesting. 
When we came out I realised it had finished 20 minutes early so we didn't get our full 90 minutes...bit of a shame.

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