
By Arachne


S brought in a friend, A, to help with making the new shed base. I was really pleased that we managed to use up all the bags, buckets and tubs of sub-base, ballast and sand that have been cluttering up the garden for months and was shocked when S and A told me that I needed to order more. A told me that since we're building a shed base, not the foundations of a high rise, I don't need to be so precious about not using the rubble I've been digging out of my garden soil so two buckets of that went in too.

A also told me that the heaps of sand I have are not sharp so won't do for making concrete.

So just about the time I'd asked my friends to come round, I had to phone builders merchants and order more sand and ballast to be delivered asap. Of course my friends arrived while I was on the phone, still with filthy knees and feet and wearing my grubby work shorts.

But I wasn't sorry that the work to wait until tomorrow as it seemed to me to be much too hot today (31C) to be laying concrete.

Yesterday morning this space was thick with the deep-rooted dandelion, plantain and thistle growing in rock-hard clay. Digging that out was my contribution to this process. Wish I'd snapped it before.

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