Life through my eyes

By Amanda_T

Stinking Willie

In high key mono.

Hospital this afternoon for the two Beau related injuries! The wrist from last September which hasn't settled, and the MRI showed some arthritis, so next steps on that if it doesn't settle is injection and then joint replacement.

The shoulder is showing some new bone where the break is closest together but still has a lot of healing to do all the length of the break. He could feel that it was still moving as two bones so I will go back in 4 weeks and if it is still a 'non-union' then he "swap a bump for a scar" by fitting a plate. I need some time out of the sling to minimise future elbow problems but only when I'm home, the arm isn't allowed to dangle or my move anywhere that I can't see my hand. He said wear the sling outside and still around the house so I don't forget to be careful!

Memories of time spent with Beau will be forever treasured.

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