
By suehutton

Edward is Three

Somehow, he seems older.

Very hot today although we had a rain shower just before we got up and again just before leaving to give Edward his birthday present in Leicester. Last week he had been playing with snakes, so I bought him a textile snake and a wiggly one as well. He said Thank you. George tells me that means he liked them.

Apparently, it's been the hottest day so far this year and humid. Fortunately we can manage the heat by closing all the windows and curtains against the sun. We also manage with electric fans. Len has mislaid the controller of the fan in the living room, so we are without that comfort there.

There have been rumbles of thunder. Leicester had more of an outright storm. We have to look forward to another uncomfortable night tonight. But we do have a fan in the bedroom and I'm sure to keep an eye on the controller for that.

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