Everyday Life

By Julez

Another Bee, Another Flower

The weather forecast predicted another hot, sunny day like yesterday. My intention was to go out and sit in the park to read my book, but it was persistently overcast. I did the jobs I'd intended putting off until tomorrow. It started to look brighter and I considered going out, but then it rained just as I was about to go - I heard thunder too.

It is shopping day so I had to go out to Tesco. When I left the house I realised it was warm after all! It is nearly 7 PM now and bright sunshine - hopefully tomorrow will be a good day to read in the park! The photo was taken as I walked through there on the way to Tesco this evening - my only shot of the day.

One good thing on the Rugby front is that Adam Keighran  who was sin-binned on Saturday didn't even get looked at by the panel so we will still have him next week - phew! Harry Smith has to actually go before the panel so he'll be lucky to get away with a three game ban. He doesn't have a bad record - hopefully that will count in his favour

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