
By YellowBalloon

A Summer Long Ago

My great grandparents moved from the Northeast of England to Surrey in 1932.  Their daughter had married and was living there so they moved to be beside her as my great grandfather had just retired.  They bought a small holding and grew vegetables, kept goats, hens and bees.

Various member of the family used to travel down to see them each summer and stay with them for several weeks.  My grandfather worked on the railways so his family were able to travel for free.

This photo shows my mam on the left of the seesaw.  She was about 14 at the time so this photo would have been taken in 1938.  Her Auntie Ann is in the middle of the photo and her cousin Evelyn is on the left hand side.  Great Grandad and Grandma are in the background.

My mam looked back very fondly on her trips to Surrey.  However, this was to be one of the last ones as by September the following year the country was at war.  Great Grandad died in 1942 and the small holding was sold and his wife returned to the Northeast.  

I have attached an extra photo of my mam, a goat and her parents.

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