Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Tinks and Esther having a zoom together. 

I had to go to Mansfield for a blood test this afternoon. Took an hour to get there. It's to check new over before I start on some new meds. I've tried to get transferred to somewhere more local but I've not heard anything for months so decided to just go ahead with the Mansfield appointment and then hopefully transfer at a later date. Met a very nice nurse who I feel is the first medical professional who has actually listened to me or actually cares what the hell happens to me. I've now got a card with the direct dial to his team with any issues I have going forward. Which made the 2 hrs driving worth it. 

The Castledines came over for dinner. Had a good catch up. I've seen Zoe a few times but the kids having seen each other in ages. 

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