Pharmacist Daze

By beerdadtwy


On the five mile walk from home to St. Matthias and back, it's pretty hot at the moment.

I am carrying water for the old dog. Here in the church porch is the best place to allow her to slake her thirst, and it means I get a sit down out of the sun. I stop here quite a lot, hundreds of times in the last 10 years and mull over the bestiality of the world and also the profound beauty. Does one counter out the other?

Anyway, she has her drink and is eager to be off, the philosophy of human existence a closed book. We walk around the church yard , widdershins about, considered unlucky by some and take to the open road once more.

Nearly home, I Lie to my companion (because we're only half way!) and off she trots down the verge towards her breakfast.

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