By JAM28

Evenley and Enfield

I went for a run around Brackley with R first thing in the morning before it got too hot and then we all walked to Evenley which is our favourite place round here. It has a really pretty village green with a fantastic coffee shop. We had great coffee and played cards sitting outside.
Then we walked back to N’s where he and R cooked us lunch and we played games and watched some of the last day of the Olympics.
We got packed up at went to church together - their church is at 4pm.
After church we said our goodbyes to them and drove off to Enfield to our first stop for the week.
It has been so wonderful being with them.

Lovely to catch up with the friends we are staying with and more friends were invited round for the evening. It’s going to be a week of catching up with people, which will be lovely.
Can’t believe it’s now been 20 years since we left Enfield to move to Wales!

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