
By Viewpoint

Looks like Ive had a few days away from Blipping


A really good morning for me (I actually had almost 7 hours sleep), starting with watering the pots before the sun arrived at the back of the house + one load of washing, including the new quilt cover - I'm not sure if it might be too startling for the room and then some tidying and cutting back the thugs at the side of the house near the conservatory.  It's all been neglected for a long time.

Ive just been looking back at my Blips for 2020 and how active and creative I was and I can't believe how much has changed for me.  I had to stop looking at the end of July .  At the time I never would have believed what was about to happen.

So a really good. morning for me when I felt almost normal- afternoon was back to my usual tired self where I struggled.

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