The Artist's Eye

By ArtistAnnie

Cat Toy

It’s the only photo I took today. It was the kids’ last day. We planned breakfast together with my brother Dave and his wife Nora. Shelly’s kids had not met them yet so we all met at the Birch Door for a yummy meal together.

That almost got canceled as Shelly woke up with a health problem. We talked it over with his daughter who is a nurse practitioner. Since Shelly was not in pain we postponed going to same day care until after breakfast.

Off Shelly and I went to find care on a Sunday. The first place was full. They gave us some numbers to call and we found one. Luckily we only had to wait an hour. While Shelly waited I did a bit of shopping including this cat toy for Cory.

We next drove to the pharmacy Shelly usually uses and they were closed. But another of their stores had an open pharmacy so we went there. Then it turned out the doctor prescribed a non generic drug nowhere to be found. They called the doctor and with his approval we got a generic antibiotic. By this time it was after 3:00 o’clock. When we got home Shelly hung out with the kids and I took a nap.

I woke in time to spend some time with the kids before they drove down to the airport. Their flight actually is now or has just taken off for a red eye to Boston.

We had a really great time with them. So glad they came for a visit.

Today’s AI image is based on this photo.

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