
By Lsquare

What Is Jesus Up To?

We gathered at FBC this morning under cloudless skies with no rain in sight to lift our hearts and voices in praise to God and to remember all that He has already given us.  Daniel is out of town this week, so we were led by Charles to begin our service with two congregational songs before the welcome by McGinty.  After that, the choir, orchestra and all our talented accompanists presented a heartfelt rendition of a song that Charles invited the congregation to join us in singing, called "We Will Remember".  After more congregational singing, Pastor Wes took us back into Ephesians where we find Paul reminding the believers in Ephesus of where they had come from in their relationship with God as sinners who had been saved by grace through faith in Jesus who paid the terrible price on the cross so that they could draw near to God as His children forever.  He also reminded them that this is not a blessing to be hoarded and limited to a select few, but that they were to spread it throughout their community by living it out so that people around them could see the hope and joy in their lives and want to have their own personal relationship with God.  Pastor Wes lays it all out very clearly in the Live-stream as he tells us what Jesus was up to then, as well as now, and what their church and ours should do about it!

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