Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Henry …

… is slowly getting used to his new home. In fact he was quite relaxed today, although like most of us he was on a quest for a quiet space and some cool shade, which he eventually found. Every cat must make a space their own, particularly when the temperatures are a shade under 30 degrees (tomorrow they will be a shade over - or maybe as high as 34, according to some predictions).

We stayed late with Maud and The Rogster last night, getting home aft 1am and finally getting to sleep at 2am. TSM was convinced I was going to fall asleep at the wheel and insisted on being my slightly drunk satnav voice all the way home. 

My vivid dreams continue. Last night I was in New York, desperate to get home to TSM but my bags were stolen along with my phone and wallet. The sense of abandonment and fear was vivid.

We began the long slow process of securing the garden today. It was fenced in by a specialist company back in 2017 but has fallen into disrepair. The cats being older and slower this has not been much of a problem but Henry is youthful and vigorous (do you recall those days?)

We have bought a roll of netting to patch up the holes, have propped up the wooden stakes with steel braces, and are installing a heavy duty iron gate to make the bottom of the garden off limits (this where ladders, old paint tins and rusting garden tools gather - a disreputable hidden corner of our very own outdoors and no place for small curious animals).

Today being The Girl Racer’s birthday a number of us gathered in The Shack and had a WhatsApp video call with her; the traditional tuneless singing and a lemon drizzle cake courtesy of TSM whose baking was of the highest standard today. 

A semblance of order is returning to our lives; we have our snug cleared and are navigating our way through a period of learning to live together. All change, all change; a new journey has started and although the landscape is familiar there are many new details to explore and understand. 

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