The 70’s
An old work colleague sent me this picture today as she was looking through a box of photos in her loft. It was a Christmas Party in the office, which Woodlands, Stirling. There was much drink. This wasn’t the one where we got banned from the Torbrex Inn for just being absolute drunken idiots. A complaint was made to our James Robertson the CEO (it was a council office) but we were young, we didn’t care. In those days it was all about having fun!
I had a real crush on John McLaughlin here in this photo. We were never an item but he was the nicest guy (I heard he is on wife no 3 so dodged a bullet).
The stories I have from those five years working there would fill a book. Different times.
What a fabulous day it was. 23 degrees today. There was the Perth Highland Games on and also the Pipe Band Championship which I had planned to go to but with everyone away elsewhere I couldn’t be bothered doing much apart from sit in the garden with my book and chat on line to a few people.
Some gardening later on , walk with dog when it was cooler and now sitting watching the closing ceremony of the Olympics! Will miss it every night.
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