
By fitzbilly

Melanostoma Scalare?

I've mainly been gardening today. I cut the jasmine back now that it stopped flowering (not that it does much in that respect) and discovered we have a back door into the garage. That will come in useful. I've also done the lawns and other bits of tidying up. The green bin is overflowing.

I've also done a fair bit of admin, including an Ocado delivery for tomorrow. Daughter#2 and SIL#2 are visiting for a few days next week so I've had to get in supplies of beer, crumpets and hobnobs.

Just had a Skype with daughter#2 as it happens. We will collect them from Heathrow on Tuesday.

Unfortunately while I was sorting out the fridge in the garage in readiness for the beer influx I dropped a can of Coca-Cola which exploded and covered me and a large area of the garage floor with its contents. That took a bit of cleaning up.

In between jobs I also managed to watch Somerset notch up another victory in the cricket.

While I was in the garden there were a few butterflies, bees and wasps. By the time I came to do my blip though they had all clocked off for the day. I did get a fly. I liked the copper colour. I think it is a hoverfly, melanostoma scalare, a chequered hoverfly?

One year ago:


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