
By Technophobe

A beautiful day

Warm sunny and just beautiful in the Lakes.
We set off to do a walk up Raven Crag which LooseCanon will blip.
A roughly five mile walk. . Steep up and much more gentle down.
Had a late start caused by  a slight domestic crisis whereby it appeared that our power was off at home because there were lots of messages from home about things not working , charging etc etc.
Luckily one of our sons was able to investigate and reported that the Wifi was off. Everything else was fine. Very odd. Then we discovered via Facebook that, some… person  had crashed into the cabinet at the end of the road which contains the fibre connections to the houses. It’s still not fixed though they have been working on it all day. Could be several  days. 
Saved us a five hundred mile round trip to go and investigate and sort it out, because if the electricity really had been off the freezer would have thawed out and  various other problems.
Then all we had to do was track down LooseCanon’s lost spectacles, which , it turned out, he had left at the restaurant last night. 
Phew. Never a dull day chez nous.

Skiddaw from the track up to Raven Crag,

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