Today's the day

By sheilwill

Red Admiral

Today's the day ...................... for a happy place

On this gloriously hot and sunny day and with nothing planned that had to be done, I've been in my happy place.

I've been out in the garden, pottering away - weeding the rockery, which I know isn't everyone's cup of tea - but it is mine.  You come upon such little gems of perfection among the stones that need a bit of help to come to their full potential.  A butterfly fluttered past, so I had to go and investigate that.  They have been so few in number this summer and I have missed them greatly.  Through the lens of my camera I watched this one unfurl its long tongue and sip the nectar from the buddleia flower.  

Pure magic - and the perfect way to celebrate 14 years of blipping (give or take a few weeks).  That's another happy place for me which has brought much joy.  Thanks to all those at Blipfoto HQ for making it possible - and to you for dropping by.  

You've made my day ......................


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