The Sunny Side

By SunnySundaes


Every couple of months, Shawn stocks up on artisan chocolate. He’s become a chocolate  aficianado since our cacao farm tour a few years ago. We have a few that we know we definitely like. This is one is Madhu Dark Rose, 85% cacao. Cardamom dark is another great one!

Mimi had a great time at the playground this morning. I would’ve packed us a picnic lunch if Shawn didn’t have to draft a fantasy football team on behalf of our former neighbor at noon. Maybe tomorrow. All for the best because that meant that I could be home to watch USA Men’s basketball win gold today! I was so excited, I’m pretty sure I woke the baby from her nap.

I had a new recipe from Purple Carrot for crispy tofu burritos, so I made that for dinner. Loved it. Mimi and I accompanied Shawn and Billie to the park this evening. Usually Shawn goes on his own to play fetch with the dog. Mimi had fun rolling in the grass, but we learned the hard way that she’s very allergic to grass. For half an hour she was crying “itchy” (I didn't know she knew that word) and was scratching herself frantically. I ran the bath, FaceTimed her grandma, and put Moana on afterwards to finally settle her down. Whew- on some days, bedtime is rough. Today was one of those days.

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