Over Yonder

By Stoffel

Little Angel

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

I've been very busy with work over the past 2 weeks. But today I managed to get over the hump (I think) and deploy a bunch of data.

It's not the end of it, of course. But it will give me a bit of breathing space for a few days. 

I rewarded myself with a nap and this little angel stayed with me the whole time. DG is so cute. 

It was required, because I was needed in the evening to accompany Caro who had been given free tickets to see "The Wedding Singer" musical as performed by am-dram society the Ōtaki Players. 

Yes. The same goddam musical we'd been to see before and HATED.

And here's the thing! Caro had TOLD her colleagues she hates all musicals and THAT MUSICAL IN PARTICULAR. 

But she got given free tickets by her colleague (who was the director of the show) and so she had to go. Oh well, good luck with that. 

"No, no," she explained to me. "You've got a free ticket too."


So along we went and I tried to make the best of it by being funny and sociable. And - if I may blow my own trumpet here - I was lovely and friendly and all the things. 

But Caro's colleagues are WEIRD. The director lady was ok. But she was busy (directing). But I met another couple where the wife has a speech impediment and spat all over me every time she talked. 

I breezed through it. I was being LOVELY, remember?

And then I met Caro's manager who I think must suffer social anxiety or maybe just had a huge fight with her partner before the show. She CLUNG to him like she was hanging on to a life buoy after a shipwreck. And all of her answers to my (non-threatening) questions were monosyllabic.

Caro was RAGING. And the show hadn't even started. 

As it turns out, it was not so bad. Low expectations and all that. And the show had a bit more charm with normal-sized people playing the roles. 

Even so, it was a slog. I had 3 glasses of Pinot to keep my spirits up. 

And when we got home, all the cats were waiting for us, wondering where we had been. 

All our little angels.


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